Category Archive : Tech

What Is Laravel and Why Do People Use It?

What Is Laravel and Why Do People Use It?

Laravel has emerged as one of the most popular frameworks for web development, renowned for its elegant syntax and robust features. With its ability to handle complex web applications securely and at a faster pace than many other frameworks, it’s no wonder developers are flocking to this framework. In this article, we’ll delve into why Laravel framework is so revered and how it can serve your development needs efficiently.

Understanding Laravel: The PHP Framework for Web Artisans


Laravel, crafted by Taylor Otwell, provides a clean and classy toolkit for web developers to create full-featured web applications with ease. At its core, Laravel framework thrives on the MVC architectural pattern, which separates the logic of the application from the user interface. This allows developers to manage and scale their codebase neatly. Laravel framework also boasts of an expressive migration system, easing the database work with seeding and data migration, which facilitates version control for database schemas.

Artisan, Laravel’s built-in command-line interface, is another feather in its cap, empowering developers to automate repetitive programming tasks. These can range from database migrations to seeding, clearing the cache, and much more. Thus, Artisan not only speeds up the development process but also ensures a high level of precision. Moreover, its templating engine—Blade—is intuitive and helps in crafting impressive layouts using control structures and template inheritance without the overhead of PHP in the views.

Essential Features That Make Laravel Framework Stand Out


Laravel framework’s philosophy is to simplify development by providing elegant syntax and expressive code. One of its most lauded features is the Eloquent ORM, which implements active record patterns and lets developers interact with the database objects and relationships using expressive syntax. Coupled with migrations, seeding, and the database query builder, Laravel framework provides a robust foundation for database interactions.

Authentication and authorization systems are integral to modern web applications, and Laravel framework shines bright in this aspect too. Offering a simple way to organize authorization logic and control access to resources, Laravel framework accelerates secure app development. Its socialite package also simplifies OAuth authentication with different social media platforms, thus allowing for a broader user accessibility.

Additionally, utilizing model joins allows you to efficiently retrieve related data across multiple database tables in Laravel framework. When you perform a Laravel model join, you are essentially combining data from two or more tables based on a specified relationship. This enables you to retrieve information from related tables in a single query, reducing the number of database calls and enhancing the overall speed of your application.

Laravel’s middleware offers a convenient mechanism for inspecting and filtering HTTP requests entering the application. Queues and job batching handle asynchronous tasks and long-running processes, improving the user experience by speeding up web requests.

Simplifying Web Development and Maintenance

Laravel framework takes the pain out of web development by easing common tasks used in most web projects. Its elegant syntax and modular packaging system make developing with the framework swift and enjoyable. The framework’s provision for dependency injection and services container promotes a more maintainable and scalable codebase, ensuring the simplicity of the architecture during the growth of the application.

Maintenance is made easy with Laravel framework’s emphasis on testability. With PHPUnit support and a suite of helper methods, testing is an integral component of the framework. Laravel framework also boasts an automated testing tool called Dusk that allows for expressive browser-based testing of JavaScript components, ensuring applications are robust and error-free before deployment.

Real-World Applications of Laravel Across Industries


Laravel framework’s robustness makes it suitable for businesses across various industries, from startups to large enterprises. Its security features and scalability make it an excellent choice for e-commerce platforms. Laravel’s ability to handle complex product catalogs, customer data, and secure payment transactions is unparalleled, which is why it’s often preferred for building online stores and payment gateways.

In the media industry, Laravel’s dynamic capabilities allow for the construction of content management systems that are flexible and capable of handling high traffic. Laravel framework is behind the scenes of some high-profile content websites, offering a tailored experience for content producers and consumers alike. Its speed and agility in handling data make it an essential tool for media and entertainment applications.

Beyond these industries, it is also employed in health, finance, transportation, and social networking domains. It offers a high level of customization to meet specific business requirements while maintaining security and efficiency.

Overall, Laravel framework provides an all-in-one solution for building modern web applications with an emphasis on simplicity, elegance, and performance. As your projects grow in complexity and demand, Laravel framework evolves right alongside them, demonstrating just why it’s the preferred choice for so many developers around the globe.


Tips for Launching a Tech Startup in the Digital Age

In an era defined by digital innovation, starting a tech startup is an exciting venture. Entrepreneurs have a world of opportunities at their fingertips; however, successfully launching and sustaining a tech startup involves much more than a brilliant idea. There’s also the need for strong business strategies, robust software, technical acumen, financial resources, and a passionate, committed team. With the right approach and tools, you can position your startup for success in the tech industry. Below, we’ll explore some practical steps for launching a tech startup in the digital age.

Understanding the Significance of Robust Software


Your tech startup will require the implementation of robust software that can not only meet the customer’s needs but can also adapt and evolve. Software is like the heartbeat of a tech startup—it keeps everything running. The software must be easy to use, reliable, scalable, and adaptable to your customers’ varying needs. Investing in the development or purchase of highly effective software will lead to maximum productivity, better customer satisfaction, and improved overall performance of your startup.

Importantly, your software needs to be tailored to your business model and objectives. For instance, if your model revolves around app development, your software would crucially involve an efficient and innovative app development platform. Look up to inspiring figures in the tech industry like the Unity CEO. This positioning will enable you to create unique and appealing apps that would put you ahead in the market.

Robust software also means maintaining a secure and safe system. No tech startup can afford the cost of a data breach. Thus, your software must be equipped with strong security features to protect sensitive data and also ensure the privacy of your users and clients. Aim to use modern and secure software tools, incorporate features such as encryption and multi-factor authentication, and regularly update your system to patch any security holes.

Aligning With a Reliable Business Partner

The route to tech startup success is often paved with partnerships. A strategic business partnership can provide your startup with a wealth of resources, including technical expertise, financial backing, and market access. Your strategic ally can either be a person or an established company that believes in your startup idea and is willing to offer support.

As a tech startup, finding a good technology-based partnership is ideal. This type of partnership can provide much-needed tech support and innovative solutions that would give your startup a competitive edge in the market. Notably, aligning with an Avaya business partner would provide you with industry-leading unified communications and contact center solutions. This would streamline your business communication process, leading to better customer engagement and increased sales.

Successful partnerships are built on mutual trust, respect, benefit, and shared goals. It’s important to choose a partner who aligns with your startup vision and values and complements your skill set. A key part of this process involves conducting due diligence: researching potential partners, analyzing their track record and reputation, and asking essential questions about their business approach, goals, and values.

Investing in Your Startup Team


Without a doubt, one of the most valuable assets of any tech startup is its team. No matter how impressive your tech idea may be, without the right team to execute it, it’s just an idea. It’s the people that bring innovative concepts to life and put the wheels in motion.

Investing in your startup team comprises more than just financial remuneration—though that’s part of it. It also includes providing an enabling work environment, professional development opportunities, promoting a healthy work-life balance, and creating a culture of respect and inclusivity. Happy and motivated employees are more likely to be productive and invested in the startup’s success.

Furthermore, always keep in mind that skill diversity is crucial while assembling your startup team. The more diverse your team, the more balanced and comprehensive your output will be. Aim to have a mix of strategic thinkers, innovators, executors, and pragmatists. This way, your startup will be adequately equipped to face all phases—conceptualization, development, implementation, and review.

Altogether, launching a successful tech startup in the digital age involves navigating a plethora of considerations, from the software you choose to the team you build. However, with a clear understanding of your goals, an unwavering commitment to success, and a focus on the strategies we’ve highlighted, your tech startup is set to make a significant impact on the market landscape.

The Best 5G Phone Plan Carriers in Australia

With the introduction of 5G technology, the world of mobile phones has been revolutionized. 5G phone plans are the latest and greatest in mobile technology, offering faster speeds, higher data transfer rates, and improved latency. Comparing different plan carriers can help you determine which is right for you and your needs. Plus, iSelect compare 5G plans functions allows you to see a side-by-side comparison to find the best deal for you. Keep reading to find out the top 5G phone plan providers in Australia.



When it comes to staying connected with the world, having the latest and most advanced technology can make a big difference. That’s why Telstra is proud to offer their 5G phone plans, which are designed to provide you with the best in connectivity, speed, and performance. Telstra’s phone plans are designed to provide you with the best in coverage, speed, and performance. With their network, you can enjoy ultra-fast download speeds and improved latency, so you can enjoy the best experience while streaming movies, playing games, and more. You can also enjoy unlimited data on the Telstra network, so you don’t have to worry about running out of data when you need it most. Plus, you get access to the latest 5G-enabled devices and the latest apps and services, so you can stay connected and up to date.


If you’re looking to upgrade to a 5G phone plan, then Vodafone has some great options. Whether you’re an individual or a business, Vodafone has a range of 5G phone plans that have been designed with you in mind. When you choose Vodafone for your 5G phone plan, you can enjoy the benefits of ultrafast speeds and reliable connection. With Vodafone 5G, you’ll be able to experience download speeds of up to 300 megabits per second and upload speeds of up to 50 megabits per second. That’s up to five times faster than 4G, and 10 times faster than 3G. Vodafone also offers a range of plans suited to your needs. Whether you’re looking for an affordable monthly plan or a more flexible pay-as-you-go option, they’ve got you covered. Plus, with the 5G roaming feature, you can stay connected when travelling abroad. You’ll also be able to make the most of exclusive extras, such as unlimited music streaming and exclusive discounts.



The launch of Optus 5G phone plans marks a major step forward in the evolution of mobile technology and communication. With the introduction of faster speeds and improved coverage, Optus 5G phone plans are set to revolutionise the way we use our phones and stay connected. For those looking to make the most of their mobile plan, Optus 5G phone plans offer a number of great benefits. The most obvious benefit is the increased speed and coverage of the network. With speeds up to 20 times faster than 4G, Optus 5G phone plans allow for quicker downloads, faster uploads, and smoother streaming. This means that users can browse the web, stream videos, and download large files with ease. In addition to the increased speed and coverage, Optus 5G phone plans also offer improved reliability and connection stability. This means that users can stay connected even in areas with poor signal coverage, avoiding dropped calls and disrupted data transfers.

Overall, it is essential to compare different 5G phone plans to make sure that you are getting the best deal for your needs. Doing research and comparing plans can help you save money and ensure that you get the most out of your plan. The above are the top 5G phone plan providers in the wonderful country of Australia.

What Kind of Security Is Needed in Health Care?

Health care is a vital sector of the economy and security is essential to its smooth operation. Hospitals, clinics, and other health care facilities must be secure to protect patients, staff, and visitors. But what kind of security is needed? Read on to find out what kind of security is needed in health care and why it is important.

Video Security

A video security system is an important investment for any health care facility. There are many reasons why a health care facility should have a video security system in place. Some of the reasons include to protect patients and staff from crime and violence or to protect the privacy of patients and staff. Having a security system in place also deters criminal activity and vandalism. Video footage can help with investigating and prosecuting criminal activity. Verkada offers a high-quality access control security system. They have helped thousands of security professionals protect property and assets, as well as monitor staff and patient behavior. A video security system can help to keep patients and staff safe from crime and violence. It can also help to protect the privacy of patients and staff, deter criminal activity and vandalism, and provide evidence in the event of an incident. A video security system is a valuable tool for any health care facility. Verkada reviews state that businesses have reduced product shrinkage by 50 percent and that they appreciate the ability to playback historical footage. Other customers now spend less than half the time they used to incident resolution and utilize live monitoring from the mobile app. There are many ways in which these security camera systems can be utilized in a health care setting.



Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting electronic information by mitigating information risks and vulnerabilities. In the health care industry, this is of utmost importance as patient data is often stored in electronic health records (EHRs) and is a valuable target for cybercriminals. There are many ways that health care organizations can improve their cybersecurity posture, including installing firewalls, antivirus software, and intrusion detection systems; encrypting data; and training employees on cybersecurity best practices. Cybersecurity is an always-evolving field, and health care organizations must continually update their defenses to stay ahead of ever-more sophisticated threats.

Data Security

Data security is the process of protecting electronic health information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) requires health care providers and organizations to take specific steps to safeguard electronic health information. Health care providers and organizations must implement physical, technical, and administrative security safeguards to protect electronic health information. Physical safeguards protect electronic health information from unauthorized access or destruction. These safeguards may include locks on doors and file cabinets, security cameras, and personnel policies that restrict access to electronic health information. Technical security safeguards protect electronic health information from unauthorized access or alteration. These safeguards may include firewalls, password protection, and encryption. Administrative security safeguards protect electronic health information from unauthorized access or use. These safeguards may include policies and procedures that restrict access to electronic health information, training on data security for employees, and audits to ensure that data security policies are being followed.

Security Planning and Risk Assessment


Security planning and risk assessment is essential in the health care industry in order to protect patients, staff, and the organization itself. Security planning includes creating policies and procedures, conducting risk assessments, and implementing security measures. Risk assessment is the process of identifying and analyzing potential risks to patients, staff, and the organization. Risks can include natural disasters, fires, theft, vandalism, and cyberattacks. Security measures include physical measures such as locks and gates, and electronic security measures such as firewalls and antivirus software. The health care industry is a target for cyberattacks because of the large amounts of sensitive data it stores. Hospitals are a prime target for cyberattacks because they are often not well protected and they have a large number of patients with sensitive data. In order to protect against cyberattacks, hospitals should implement firewalls, antivirus software, and other electronic security measures. They should also train staff on how to spot and respond to cyberattacks.

It is necessary to ensure the privacy and security of patient information. Every health care setting from large hospitals to orthopedic surgery in Decatur and Hartselle, AL should utilize security. Health care providers must take steps to protect patient data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

What Is a Health Information Technology Degree?

Health care’s a vital industry. People rely on health care professionals to help them maintain their health. People also turn to doctors, physical therapists, nurse practitioners, and other medical experts when they need treatment for a health issue, such as illness or injury.

Health care is a popular career field. Health care professionals typically enjoy excellent job prospects and earn competitive wages. When people think about health care occupations, they’re likely to think about doctors and nurses, but there are multiple other health care careers people can consider. Let’s look at what you’ll study earning a health information technology degree, how to prepare for your college application, and the types of careers you can pursue with this degree.

What will you learn while taking a health information technology program?


Medical offices must comply with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) laws and protect patient data. Medical professionals may also use health data to track patient care and evaluate outcomes. Medical professionals use this data to identify the most effective treatment options for different health issues.

An Associate of Applied Science degree in Health Information Technology takes approximately two years to complete. While studying to earn your health information technology degree, you’ll complete 94 credit hours, including courses covering medical law and ethics, medical terminology, anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. Health information technology students must also earn credit hours in social sciences, humanities, communications, life skills, and mathematics.

How can you prepare to apply to a health information technology program?


College application boards review applications from thousands of prospective students each year to determine which students to accept. Your program application will include your high school transcripts or proof you’ve earned a general education diploma (GED), standardized test scores, and an essay. Ensuring each part of your application impresses the application review board is an excellent way to ensure you’re accepted to your dream college.

Ideally, you’ll start thinking about college in your first or second year of high school to ensure you choose suitable courses to prepare you for post-secondary studies. Working with a college application counselor is an excellent idea because your admissions counselor can identify ways to strengthen your college application. They’ll review your academic performance and help you determine which courses you should take.

Your admissions counselor can also help you secure an internship, enabling you to gain practical experience in your chosen career field. College application review boards value practical experience and look for well-rounded candidates, and pursuing extracurricular activities can demonstrate your interpersonal skills.

Most colleges require applicants to include an essay with their application. Your essay offers an opportunity to convey personal information to convince the review board to accept your application. Your admissions counselor can review your essay and help you determine what information to include to ensure your essay impresses the review board.

You’ll also complete an application interview. Your interview allows you to impress the review board and demonstrate that you’re a good fit for the program. Discussing the application process with an admissions counselor is a great way to prepare for this component of your college application.

What careers can you pursue with a health information technology degree?


Health information technicians are also referred to as medical records technicians or medical records and health information specialists. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that medical records and health information specialists should enjoy a nine percent job growth rate between 2020 and 2030, slightly higher than the eight percent average job growth rate for all occupations. The BLS reports that these health information technicians took home median annual salaries of $45,240 in 2020.

Individuals with a health information technology degree may also pursue opportunities as information clerks. Those who continue their studies and earn a bachelor’s degree may pursue opportunities as medical and health services managers.

Health information technology degrees equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to manage medical data. Individuals can earn an Associate of Science degree in Health Information Technology with approximately two years of postsecondary studies.

5 Reasons You Should Learn ReactJS

Though React faces competition from other big names, the library is still the preferred choice of many developers worldwide. It’s often the right choice if you’re looking to build a new web application, and a compilation of templates means it’s easier than ever to create a workable interface. On top of that, React knowledge is popular with employers, universities, and advanced learning programs.

Whether you’re a business school applicant that’s looking to gain a competitive edge or you’re a job-seeker that wants to amp up your resume, here are a few reasons why you should learn ReactJS.

1. React Native improves the application development process.

Your standard application process involves a fair amount of R&D efforts and application optimization for disparate devices, impeding the process. Using different kits and tools for different operating system applications bogs down the app development process and is a key weakness for developers. Using React Native and the React-Admin framework, you can capably develop functioning applications for common operating systems like iOS and Android. This way, you don’t have to learn multiple ways to present a single application. In fact, once you’ve built up your React background, you can offer applications to your target audience members more quickly, efficiently, and widely. Since wide availability can impact product success or failure, it’s important to know you’re creating more accessible applications that touch on unique market needs.

2. ReactJS offers home automation options.


React-Admin is one of the many tools you’ll see applied to home automation and management efforts. With React-Admin, the admin panel, and the general framework, you’re able to streamline the automation process and build open-source apps that connect distinct devices to your router. This means you can tie up an automation network to your mobile devices, My Cloud Home products, and other smart home devices like your speaker setup, security devices, and more. There are even existing examples of React users developing smart home interfaces that update in real-time. With the right triggers and feedback loops, it’s possible to create a more privatized automation network that offers greater levels of control.

3. React has a robust community of learners and professionals.

Whether you’re actively meeting with an MBA application consultant to prepare for business school or you’re trying to add another skill to a resume full of work experience, you’re liable to meet a kindred spirit in the React community. In fact, without the community, many modern React use cases wouldn’t exist. Since members actively contribute to the open-source library, it grows at a significant rate. It also allows users to contribute their own components to the library. Members talk across Reddit, Github, and other popular forums to exchange ideas, projects, and components. So, whether you want to impress MBA admissions with your skillset or you want to meet other career professionals, the React userbase can help.

4. Many corporations use React.


Even if you’re fresh out of the top school in the country, some corporations won’t consider you for employment unless you present current, competitive skills. As such, many business schools and STEM students want to add React to their resumes. Part of the reason why React is so popular is that it was built to scale alongside business and application needs. It’s also proven that it has the capacity to do so. React was originally developed by Facebook, which shows that it has large-scale end-users. If you have an internet connection and use web apps developed by your favorite brands, developers can build those web apps on the React framework. Many brands work directly with React or tangentially to the framework from data providers to top business schools.

5. React has a smaller learning curve.

One key strength of React is that it doesn’t require a degree from Harvard Business School to master. While secondary education can help you get the comprehensive package and layouts of React, you can learn a fair amount on your own without ever spending a cent. Compared to Angular, React isn’t as “heavy,” and it’s also more intuitive. While thinking in React might require a few adjustments here and there, you’ll soon be able to create objects and apps after a few days of learning and research. This is doubly effective if you already have a stronger working knowledge of JavaScript. However, even the novice developer can learn different React concepts and incorporate them into web applications.

In many ways, React is the best way to develop applications that give you full control. While you might need a tutorial or two before you get started, the right insights can set you on a path to React success. Whether you’re looking to impress your MBA admission consultant or you want to start developing more impactful applications, React is your best bet. This frontend framework offers some helpful tools and a group of users that you can’t beat.

5 Common Circuit Breaker Issues

Have you ever been sitting at home when you turn on an appliance, and the power cuts out on you? Your first thought is that there’s an outage on your block. In reality, it could be because of a trip in your circuit breaker. There are plenty of issues connected to your breaker that can range from a quick fix by you as a homeowner to having to bring in an electrician. Let’s take a look at some of those common problems.

1. Circuit Overload


One of the main reasons your home’s circuit breakers keep tripping is circuit overloading. This happens when you connect more devices throughout your household than the circuits can actually handle. These excessive electrical flows cause the system to overheat and shut down automatically.

Overloading not only destroys connected appliances but also puts you at risk of an electrical fire. The circuit breaker trips upon detecting this overheating and alerts you. Recurrent tripping aggravates the damage to your electrical panel even more, with significant wear on circuit breaker parts over time.

2. Replacing a Bad Breaker


The truth is that, much like anything else in your household, home wiring can break down over time. If individual circuits are causing issues, you’ll want to turn off the main breaker. Ensure that all electrical power is off by using a voltage tester to make sure there is no current flow. You can use a screwdriver to disconnect the wire from the terminal, prying out the older breaker and inserting a new one.

Once that electric work is complete, turn the main breaker back on and test each branch circuit breaker to make sure it is properly functioning. If the breaker is still tripping, contact a qualified electrician with the proper tools necessary to diagnose a common issue or serious problem with the panel.

3. Frequent Short Circuits


Short circuits are a huge fire hazard and should be taken into account immediately. Short circuits happen when an active electrical wire contacts a neutral wire. This is usually the result of undetected faults within a home’s wiring network. Short-circuiting produces massive amounts of heat, causing the circuit breaker to trip. This can even result in odd noises, sparks, and a burning smell.

Fixing electrical short circuits requires the assistance of an electrician. Routine maintenance can ensure that the connections in your electrical panel are in good condition, avoiding the chance of electrical malfunction over time.

4. Loose Wires


A tripped circuit breaker can be the result of loose wiring. Common issues like the flickering of the lights are caused by faulty wiring. A homeowner should check for any loose wires, replacing them with the help of a professional if need be. You should also check each area of your home for any possible issues. This includes checking all appliances that are connected to the circuit.

Sometimes a circuit breaker trips because of a shortage in an appliance like a microwave, so check the exterior of the cord. If you notice any signs of burning or discoloration, you may need to replace the power cord.

5. Ground Faults


Ground surges happen when an active electrical wire makes contact with a ground wire. These faults create excess current, overheating and causing a circuit breaker to shut down to prevent further damage or electrical fires automatically. Handling a ground surge is dangerous and requires the help of a licensed electrician to help determine the culprit of these issues.

If a new circuit breaker or any other electrical work is needed, do not go it alone. Be sure to have an expert on your side with the proper safety devices to operate at minimal risk. This is the case for any particular circuit, ranging from older houses to new homes.

5 Tips for Managing a Research Lab

Management isn’t easy, whether you’re running a train station, a gallery, or a research lab. That being said, running a lab comes with more risks than running a boutique clothing shop does. There are plenty of hazards that the house team at a lab comes into contact with daily. Various dangerous materials, complicated machinery, and other dangers lie in wait for laboratory workers. There’s a reason that OSHA standards exist, and it’s to make sure that laboratories remain safe spaces for people to work in, whether they’re filled with software developers or chemists.

While this may sound daunting, there are a few key things to keep in mind that can make running a research laboratory a smooth experience. Read more to find out about the best way to maintain occupation safety and avoid unnecessary hazards to your house team’s health.

1. Keep everyone awake and hydrated.


Sometimes software developers, scientists, and other laboratory employees have to work long hours on detailed tasks. This is especially common if the laboratory you’re running is part of a small business that’s trying to make waves and stand out on the scene. If this is the case, you want to ensure that your team isn’t falling asleep as they work, especially when there are health hazards lying about and dangerous machinery that shouldn’t be operated when drowsy. However, despite wanting everyone to be awake, you also don’t want to blow your entire small business’ budget at Starbucks or Peet’s.

One solution to this problem is to sign up for a coffee delivery service. Really excellent coffee service will allow you to choose the blend and roast of the coffee you’re ordering, whether it’s espresso or brewing coffee, and you can even add flavor preferences or specialty teas to your order. With a coffee subscription, you’ll be saving money on cups of coffee and making sure that the house team at your startup is focused on the task at hand and not keeping their drooping eyelids from closing.

2. Make sure you’re using pure water without contaminants.

If you’re developing software, you don’t need to think about pure water, deionizers, or reverse osmosis processes, but many other research facilities do need to be aware of these issues. If you’re working with delicate materials, you know that tap water will not do the kind of tasks you’re carrying out. Deionized water (DI water) purified through reverse osmosis is free of contaminants and impurities, not to mention minerals like calcium that are often found in ‘hard water.’ If you want to adhere to best practices for maintaining water purity and keeping ions and minerals like calcium, sodium, or magnesium out of your water source, you need to invest in a deionized water solution for your laboratory. While it may seem like an extravagance, bear in mind that impurities and ions in the water can compromise your whole research project, so taking care of the liquid you use is actually a crucial part of managing a successful research facility.

3. Learn more about OSHA requirements.


Safety has to be the priority, regardless of what you’re researching and which time zone of the United States you’re operating in. After all, a supervisor’s role is to make sure everything runs smoothly, which means keeping the workplace secure and comfortable. Some supervisors show resistance when they learn all they must do to adhere to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards. Still, the truth is that a certificate of OSHA compliance shows that employer responsibility is being taken seriously in a facility.

If you’re a supervisor or project manager who needs to get your facility up to code and aren’t sure where to start, OSHA training courses are available for that purpose precisely. During the OSHA training course, a trainer will walk you through all the steps involved in getting your facility OSHA compliant. Everything from mitigating hazards to fall protection comes up during the training course, so you’ll be sure to be prepared for anything the OSHA representatives ask of you.

4. Put software outsourcing to good use.


A project manager can keep everyone on task and safe by using a software outsourcing company to manage databases, manage projects, and get customized software geared to a facility’s specific needs. Software out sourcing and working with software developers or software engineers who have the ability to understand your needs and streamline your employee experience will make everything easier.

By employing a software solution grounded in machine learning and artificial intelligence, a business owner or supervisor such as yourself can be using programs that are continuously learning about your specific business needs. Keeping track of suppliers, streamlining workflow and communication, and data management or analysis will all take your capacity to the next level. This is critical for several important reasons. By relying upon an outsourced company for software development, you’ll be working with sharper tools without the expense of paying someone on your house team to figure out the nuts and bolts for you.

5. Invest in employee experience.

Happy employees take more care with their work, and that’s just the simple truth. In fact, this may be the most important thing that a business owner can invest in. You can have the best coffee, the purest deionized water, and the smartest software developers, but if your employees aren’t happy, you can count on a lousy workflow. That, of course, means that you won’t bring financial success to your small business the way that Prabir Purohit brought to Dominion Energy. Take an example from Purohit. He knew that it’s not just about being the most important worksite in the U.S.; it’s about having a development team that cares about company values and feels committed to one another. Whether you’re in South Carolina, Maine, New York, or California, you need to have a finger on the pulse of your house team’s social dynamics. Ensure everyone is happy and fulfilled, and you’ll be running a successful worksite in no time.

5 Excellent Resources for People With Disabilities

Living with a disability doesn’t mean you need to be limited in how you experience life. There is a wide range of resources available to people with disabilities to help them lead active lives. Some simple assistive aids and devices can make a significant difference for those living with disabilities and their families or caregivers, in many cases. Learning what options are available to you may feel difficult because most people are unaware of disability resources unless they directly impact their lives. Here are five resources to be aware of.

Online Hearing Tests


Going back and forth to the audiologist can be tiresome or complicated, depending on your schedule and transportation needs, not to mention expensive. An online hearing test can cut down on trips needed to the audiologist. Your audiologist can determine if you need hearing aid devices through your online screening. Profound hearing loss is a disability within itself, but it can also exacerbate other disabilities, making it increasingly difficult to communicate. Damage to the ear canal can cause hearing loss suddenly or overtime, depending on the extent of the damage. If you have normal hearing, it’s vital to protect it by avoiding dangerous activities that could lead to severe hearing loss.

There are many types of hearing aids that can help with each type of hearing loss. A licensed physician can help you maintain your social skills and perform all your recreational activities with a new hearing aid.

Day Habilitation Centers


Day habilitation for the disabled provides a safe and engaging setting for people with developmental disabilities. Community habilitation provides activities, education, and work opportunities while caregivers can rest or go to work themselves. Lifestyles for the Disabled runs day habilitation centers with years of experience in the field to provide the best possible opportunities for their consumers.

The level of engagement varies based on the needs of each consumer. A day habilitation program is a highly valuable resource for both the consumer and their caretakers. Caring for someone with intellectual disabilities is a full-time job and can be mentally and emotionally exhausting. With a resource center, your loved one can go where you know they will be safe, cared for, and engaged, and that is invaluable.

Mobility Aids


Mobility aids include crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, and other devices that make it easier for people with disabilities to move around. Mobility can include balance or strength, so different options are available depending on individual mobility needs. Some devices can be added to vehicles to help people move in and out of the vehicle to make it easier to leave the house.

Falling creates a serious risk for people with disabilities, and mobility aids will lessen the risk of falling. Removing area rugs, cleaning up spills immediately, and keeping furniture well spaced are other ways to lessen the risk of falling.

Smart Home Devices


Many view smart home devices as a luxury, but for people with disabilities, they can greatly enhance home life by making it easier to get what they need without having to constantly get up and down or move around. For someone with vision or hearing problems, being able to turn lights on and off from a still position can reduce the risk of falls or injuries. For someone with mobility problems, being able to control things from a still position can make their home life easier and more enjoyable.

Assistive Technology


Assistive technology includes a wide range of computers and software programs designed to aid people with disabilities. This includes computers that will read any documents, mail, or books out loud. Other assistive technology forms include keyboards, joysticks, and other devices adapted to someone with limited mobility. Vehicles adapted to have handles instead of a wheel or pedals at a different height or spacing are also considered assistive technology because they allow people with disabilities to utilize them without difficulty.

No matter what kinds of disabilities a person is living with, there are assistive options available, and they only get better as technology improves.

How to Succeed in School the Rory Gilmore Way

If you’re looking for some fictionalized inspiration to kickstart your study habits, there’s no doubt that Rory Gilmore will be one of the first characters to come to mind. Whether you’re an avid Gilmore Girls fan or you’ve only seen GIFs of Rory and Lorelai eating junk food, absorbing all the pop culture they can get their hands on, or drinking inordinate amounts of coffee, you probably conflate “Rory Gilmore” and “book smart” in your mind. Luckily, we’ve had eight seasons of the Gilmores to inspire us. Channel your inner Rory for massive success in school!

Do the Readings, Then Read Some More

Always keep a book with you. While it won’t have the all-important book smell, you can even download the free Kindle app to your phone to have a digital library with you wherever you go. When your teacher assigns a book, read it—not the SparkNotes version. But be sure to branch out, too. If a topic comes up in class that interests you, search for book titles in that subject on Amazon or Google. And, don’t forget to have your daily dose of fiction, whether it’s a classic or a new release. Want to go all-in? Check out the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge to read all of the titles Rory read in the series.


No true Gilmore Girl would try to get through the day (or a study session) without a pick-me-up. If you don’t like coffee, opt for your favorite energizing drink instead—did you know that Alexis Bledel dislikes coffee and usually had cola in her mug?

Study, Study, Study

This one should be obvious: Rory studies like a superhuman. However, adhering to a study schedule that intense might lead to burnout, which will only detract from your goals in the long run. Check out your favorite studyblr or head to Pinterest for some inspiration to kickstart your study habits. For example, check out the Pomodoro method to prevent study fatigue. Find yourself floundering still? Look into a summer boot camp to boost your standardized test scores (to Rory-approved levels) and build better study habits.

Stock Up On Supplies

A pleasing aesthetic certainly isn’t the most important part of your study routine, but it helps keep you motivated. Color-code your notes. Make the pretty flashcards. Keep your planner updated and ready for scheduling study dates and extracurriculars. Head to your version of Doose’s Market (or, you know, Amazon) and pick up whatever pens, highlighters, notebooks, and other office supplies bring a bit of joy to your school day.

Don’t Forget the Brain Food

Any self-respecting Gilmore girl will be ready with Pop-Tarts, takeout, and whatever the daily choice is at Al’s Pancake World. Your brain needs plenty of food to fuel all that schoolwork, right? Keep a special treat on hand for your study sessions—you can even use it as one of your motivation techniques.

Dress the Part

While you’re studying and working through assignments at home, a messy bun and sweats are fine. But, when you’re actually in class, a little effort goes a long way. Not only will you make a better impression on your peers and teachers, but also you’ll feel better (and work better). Channel Rory’s schoolgirl look with petite cardigans and pleated skirts, or shop around for something that matches your personal style and helps you look like the serious student you’re becoming.

Sometimes You’ll Fall Short (and That’s Okay)

While Rory is undoubtedly the reigning queen of studying, she’s not perfect. Even fictional humans make mistakes (I mean, look at the Gilmore Girls revival…). Sometimes she gets bad grades. She makes poor decisions. She messes up, just like we all do. The most important thing is that you bounce back afterward. Even when you have a bad day, know that your hard work will pay off down the road if you keep it up.

Rory Gilmore might not be the perfect role model, but her study success can’t be beaten. Get dressed in your prep school best, learn the right study habits for you, grab some coffee and a donut, and get to work!