Category Archive : Health

How Do Exoskeletons Work?

Exoskeletons tend to be the stuff of dreams, especially for fans of science fiction. There are many examples of how this device is used in fantastic settings, in some of our favorite pieces of sci-fi entertainment. In Aliens, the heroine fights a gigantic, acid-spewing Alien queen with the use of a power loader exoskeleton. In all of the Iron Man movies, Tony Stark uses a variety of exoskeleton suits to save the day. In the billion-dollar grossing Avatar movie, an amplified mobility suit/ exoskeleton is used by the bad guy mercenaries to take on the Na’vi, and of course who could forget the robotic exoskeleton that is Robocop?

Such futuristic outfits are fantastical in their idea of what exoskeletons would eventually look like, and what they might be used for. But these robots are not actually fantasy. In the current day, exoskeletons do exist and provide an important service to their users. Exoskeletons are wearable devices that work hand-in-hand with their operators. They are usually used to augment, reinforce, or restore performance for a human wearer. This is done by being placed on the body, essentially acting as an amplifier to their movements.

Where do exoskeletons come from?

These devices are often made out of metal or carbon fibers (rigid materials) or are composed of soft and elastic parts. Exoskeletons were first invented in the 1960s by General Electric, with the creation of a device called the Hardiman. The first exoskeleton was a large full-body device that was designed to augment the wearer’s strength and enable the lifting of heavy objects, whilst reducing fatigue. At the end of that same decade, gait-assistance exoskeletons were created at the Mihajlo Pupin Institute in Serbia. By the time the 1970s came around, another gait-assistance exoskeleton was created at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Since then exoskeleton innovation has hit a variety of technological heights. Towards the end of the 2010s, a variety of lightweight military exoskeleton prototypes had been developed. The goal for these was to augment a user’s strength and endurance. Post-2010, there were several gait-assistance and restoration exoskeletons that were introduced to the public. An example of this is Ekso Bionics’ various robotic exoskeleton, produced by this industry leader, based in the United States.

How does the exoskeleton work?

To answer the question of how such devices work, we must first begin by discussing the frame of an exoskeleton. Depending on what materials went into making them, they are often lightweight and allow quite a degree of freedom when it comes to movement. The frame goes around the user’s body, or part of their body, depending on the type being used. In some cases, the exoskeletons can contain sensors that are used to monitor and then respond to a person’s movements.


What do they run on?

Exoskeletons require different types of power sources to help them operate. They can be either motorized or mechanical, while others run on electricity. Some exoskeletons don’t require any electricity and offer more freedom for a user. One useful example of seeing how these work is in the EksoUE suit. The EksoUE is an exoskeleton that assists patients who have limited mobility or limb injury in the upper body. The exoskeleton technology works with a patient’s affected shoulder and arm during his or her rehabilitation. This device is a wearable upper-extremity type of medical exoskeleton.

This device has interchangeable springs, which allows for different powered active-assisted function movement. The device’s operation is based on the patient’s strength, endurance, and the weight of their limb or extremity. This is often how most other exoskeletons work, as they are based around the user who is operating them. In the case of the EksoUE, how the exoskeleton operates is based on how the patient utilizes the device. These devices are often used for occupational or physical therapy sessions. This helps to allow for longer and more high-intensity therapy sessions and is a huge assist in increasing muscle activity, and motor functions.

5 Ways Therapy Can Help Your Child

Going to therapy can benefit young children, young adults, and the whole family. Whether your child has been diagnosed with a mental health issue or just needs a little extra support, working with a child psychologist can have incredible benefits. The decision to take your son or daughter to a therapist might feel scary. If you’re worried about putting your kid in therapy, you don’t need to be. Here are five ways therapy can and will help your child.

It will help him or her learn ways to cope with anxiety and depression

More and more children are diagnosed with depression or anxiety and the two disorders often go hand in hand. Your kid might be struggling with anxiety if you notice he or she is hesitant to leave you, is acutely afraid in certain situations (like sleepovers or doctor’s visits), and worries about the future. If your son or daughter is often sad, has a change in sleep or eating habits, or lacks the motivation to do fun things, he or she may have depression. A child psychologist in NYC can help your child learn to cope with these disorders. Cognitive behavior therapy can help your kid learn ways to regulate his or her emotions and develop coping strategies for getting through the day. Tackling these conditions while your child is still young will have enormous benefits in the long run.

It can provide him or her with emotional support

Children have plenty of emotional needs. They want to feel loved, respected, and valued. They need to be heard and appreciated. They want to feel like what they’re going through is valid and they need help to build their self-esteem. As a parent, you give your child emotional support, but family therapy and group therapy can help them as well. As a family, you can work with a mental health professional to build strong relationships. In group therapy, your child can learn empathy for others and gain support. This is invaluable for helping your child grow into a healthy adult.

It can give your child the confidence to try new things

Working with mental health professionals can give your child the confidence he or she is lacking. Maybe your eight-year-old has yet to have a sleepover with a friend. Perhaps your 13-year-old wants to learn to surf but feels too afraid or anxious. The skills your son or daughter learns from a therapist can help boost confidence. He or she will feel more prepared to try something new and will be begging you for surfing lessons for beginners.

It will help your kid better understand the world

A therapist can help your child learn more about the world and how it works. A great therapy session might be the first time your son learns how to change his behaviors or your daughter learns why she feels the way she does. It can be difficult for children to learn about mental health and how it affects them. A great therapist can give your child perspective on the world and how he or she fits into it.

It will help him or her to have a healthy life

As a parent, your number one goal is to make sure your child is healthy and happy. Finding him or her the right therapist will help you reach this goal. Your son or daughter will learn how to manage feelings and interact with others in positive ways. They’ll feel more well-adjusted, content, and confident. If you want to make sure your children grow up to be healthy adults, put them in therapy.

Find an amazing clinical psychologist and get your son or daughter therapy. He or she will thank you and you’ll notice incredible changes.

Taking Care of Yourself

Being healthy is about making the right choices every day. But in this busy world, too many of us make the wrong choices.

It’s up to us to make healthy choices. It’s up to us to take extra precautions to create the safest environment and the healthiest habits that we can. At its most basic level, this means knowing how to take care of ourselves.

Fuel Your Body

You’ll get out of your body what you put into it. If you put in processed junk foods and skip your healthy supplements, you’ll get bad health outcomes. Choose more wisely, and you’ll be healthier.

This begins with your diet. Your best bet for simple, healthy eating is to focus on whole foods. “Whole” foods are the unprocessed ones: Meats, fruits, and (especially) vegetables should be your go-to choices. Don’t stay hungry; just eat the right stuff, and focus on making sustainable changes. In other words: Just eat “real food!”

Supplements can make a great deal of difference, too. Take CBD, for example. CBD is a product that comes from hemp, the same plant that can be dried and smoked like marijuana. Marijuana gets users high because of a compound called THC. As you might have guessed from their different names, though, CBD and THC are not the same thing. CBD won’t get you high, but it does offer a wide range of health benefits. THC will get you high (and may have health benefits, too). Modern hemp cultivators can and do create strains of hemp flower that offer CBD with low levels of THC (and vice versa), so consumers can choose between THC flower and CBD flower. Hemp CBD flower (and other CBD products, including CBD edibles, CBD vape oils, CBD tinctures, and more) like those sold by Plain Jane can be a healthy and sober part of your daily health routine. CBD-rich hemp flower or another CBD product could ease pain or nausea and reduce symptoms of anxiety.


Calendar Your Care

You’ll find a lot of very useful advice for managing your health online, in magazines, and in books. But rarely will these pieces of advice be very specific to you. You’re unlikely to read an article that reminds you that you should head to your local New Jersey audiologist because not everyone needs audiological evaluations in New Jersey.

You might, though! You might need an expert to tell you why you’re experiencing hearing loss. You may have an issue with your outer ear, middle ear, or inner ear. You might need a hearing test or an examination of your ear canal (which includes those parts we mentioned, like the middle ear and inner ear). You may even need hearing aids or a cochlear implant, and you may very well need to head to a specialist, not just a primary care physician. Then you may need to go back regularly for audiology care, whether you have hearing loss right now or are worried about hearing loss in the future (and who isn’t?).

Or maybe it’s the eye doctor. Or maybe it’s the ear, nose, and throat doctor. The bottom line is this: Habits won’t help you make your doctor’s appointments. Do yourself a favor and create a calendar that will ensure that you’re reminded of every appointment with every specialist you need to see.


On the Move

Your body wasn’t designed to sit still all of the time. If you’re going to be healthy, then you’re going to need more than just healthy food, smart supplements, and medical care. You’re going to need exercise, too.

You can’t “outrun your fork,” as one old saying goes, so don’t view exercise as a substitute for healthy eating (or, for that matter, for medical treatments or for supplements like CBD). But you should view exercise as an essential supplement to these other healthy choices. Getting moving can improve your mental health and your physical health, and experts say that just 150 minutes of exercise a week can make a huge difference in your health.

What Can I Do With a Degree in Sports Psychology?

A degree in Sports Psychology can open the door to a variety of careers. Since sports are such an integral part of our lives, it’s no surprise that sports psychology is a growing field. While athletes may appear unstoppable on the field, more often than not they are being assisted behind the scenes by a sports psychologist to strengthen their mental health in order to enhance their athletic performance and personal goals.

In addition to the obvious physical requirements of being an athlete, there is an also extreme psychological side to sports. With a degree sports in sports psychology, you can work with athletes to ensure that they maintain their strongest performances by providing them with an essential support system. By providing an athlete with psychological and motivational assistance, a sports psychologist can help athletes strengthen their mental health and reach their ambitious goals.


For sports psychologists who work directly with athletes, some of their responsibilities could include helping these athletes develop a competitive mindset, creating efficient pregame routines for the athletes, ensuring the athletes effectively handle loss, and helping the athlete enhance the quality of their practice. It is also common for an athlete to require the assistance of a sports psychologist when they become injured. A sports psychologist provides the necessary support for an athlete to get through the recovery process as well as return to their sport. The psychological aspects of sports injury can be traumatic for some athletes, but with the assistance of a sports psychologist, it is possible for an injured athlete to have a successful recovery and return to their sport.

Some of the more specific career paths that this degree may be used for include: team coach, sports research specialist, sport psychology professor, clinical sport psychologist, applied sport psychologist, and sports rehabilitation therapist. A sport psychology degree will allow you to thrive in these areas, as you will be capable of assisting athletes on both a physical and mental level—two of the most important aspects of becoming a successful athlete.

While it may sound limited, there are many career options outside of the sports world that one can choose from with a sport psychology degree. This degree expands beyond the realm of sports and has been increasingly recognized as “performance psychology”, and will allow you to work with people in all aspects of society. Doctors are among some of the professionals who often benefit from performance psychology. A performance psychologist may assist a doctor in gaining the confidence they need to perform a difficult surgery or return to their practice after losing a patient. Overall, this degree will allow you to work with a wide variety of people on an individual level as you assist them in obtaining their personal goals.

As a sport psychologist, it is important to understand what are OKRs and how they can be implemented in your work. OKR stands for “objective and key result,” so by utilizing this method you will help your clients understand their goals and how to achieve them. The OKR system is commonly used by businesses and teams to work together to reach an outcome rather than focus on individual performances. Research has shown that goal setting is an effective management tool as it allows teams to become more successful than they would otherwise.


The sport psychology degree comes in various forms and can be attainable through different types of higher-level education. Faulkner University provides students with the opportunity to receive a bachelor’s degree in sports psychology. This private university is a good choice, as its students take a variety of sports psychology courses while developing psychological perspectives and research methods. Faulkner University offers an online sports psychology degree option.

It is possible to further your sports psychology bachelor’s degree by receiving a master’s degree in sport psychology. For example, Drexel University offers online programs to achieve a master’s degree in Sport Coaching Leadership. Similarly, the University of Denver offers a master’s degree in Sports & Performance Psychology. If a full degree program does not fit into your schedule, California Southern University offers an accredited sports psychology certification program that will provide its students with similar benefits to the full sports psychology degree.

These national universities offer sports psychology degree programs in which the student will gain practical experience in the sports psychology field. Although these undergraduate programs and graduate programs may be executed in different styles, they are all national universities with accredited sports psychology programs. Regardless of whether you attend online programs or rely on a classroom setting, by attending a national university, you will be exposed to courses in sport science and higher-level sports such as those in the NCAA division, which will provide invaluable educational and real-world experience while striving toward your psychology degree.

Whether you achieve your sports psychology degree through an online degree program or an in-person degree program, you will experience sport psychology courses that will ensure your success in the world of sports or a related field.

5 Ways to Boost Your Self-Worth and Improve Your Self Image

Spending time alone, as many of us currently are, certainly puts into perspective the necessity for a healthy sense of self-esteem. Intellectually, we all know that the opinion we have of ourselves is the only one that really matters. Still, cultivating strong self-worth is not as easy as it seems. We’re constantly bombarded by messages from advertising and the media that tell us we should be wealthier than we are, thinner than we are, or more beautiful than we are. It’s up to us to decide what we’re worth. But there’s nothing wrong with taking a few steps to improve our self-esteem.


Get Your Body Moving

Thirty minutes of exercise every day can improve your mental health and self-esteem. There’s evidence that sedentary behavior can not only cause physical illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease but can exacerbate mental health problems like anxiety and depression. The best way to address issues of self-image and self-worth? Get your body moving! Studies show that engaging in a combination of cardio exercises like running, as well as stretch-based exercises like yoga and pilates, can improve brain function and self-esteem.


Brain Food is Soul Food

Anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem can frequently be the result of long experienced stress. One way to combat these issues is by adding antioxidants to your diet. Antioxidants found in strawberries, blueberries, acai berries, and other fresh fruit can help reduce oxidative stress. Vitamins A, C, and E can combat biochemical changes that are directly caused by stress and protect against future encounters with stress. Your overall well-being can be improved by adding some antioxidant-rich fruit to your life. Consider adding an acai bowl to your daily breakfast routine. Acai berries, pineapples, greens, mango, and coconut make for a delicious start to your day that will certainly help your mood and self-worth.


Be Mindful

According to the American Psychological Association, practicing mindfulness meditation can help improve self-worth and self-image. The practice of meditation encourages self-acceptance and self-love. You can either engage in meditation by following along with a guided practice or by repeating a mantra that means something to you. Take a comfortable, seated position and count your breaths with your eyes closed until you feel relaxed. Hold yourself with love and appreciate yourself for taking the time to meditate. A little meditation every day will certainly aid your self-esteem.


Change Up Your Messaging

While meditation will surely help to improve your self-worth, it’s important to practice self-love in your everyday life as well. One way to do this is to change the way you talk to yourself! We all struggle with this. Spend time every morning writing down a few things you’re grateful for. Throughout the day, whenever you find yourself practicing negative self-talk, acknowledge it and then turn it around. For example, if you feel like you’ve failed something, say “I’m going to persevere until I succeed.” Changing up your point of view can make a world of difference.


Chat With a Professional

While it’s important to make the decision to improve your self-image on your own, sometimes it’s a good idea to bring in the big guns. Seeking mental health treatment is a brave choice and one that can make a world of difference. If you decide to work with a therapist soon, keep in mind that you should find someone who offers online therapy services. Online counseling is widely covered by insurance and is as confidential and protected as in-person sessions. Working through live chat sessions and video conferencing, you’ll work with your therapist to address your specific needs. Online therapy could be the missing piece you need to address any issues of self-image.

Self-image is closely related to mental health and happiness. Conquering your self-doubt requires a holistic approach. Change up your diet, improve your exercise routine, and check-in with an online therapist. You’ll be feeling better in no time!

3 Ways to Keep Your Mind and Body Healthy

In today’s busy world, it’s easy to forget to prioritize your health—but it doesn’t have to be hard to maintain. Keep reading to learn three ways to keep your mind and body in good shape.

Eat a Well-Balanced Diet


If you want to be healthy, it’s crucial to make sure you’re getting the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals from your diet. Eating a healthy dose of fruits, vegetables, and proteins will keep your body and mind sharp. Try to remember to eat a rainbow diet if you need help incorporating healthy food products into each meal. Fruits and vegetables are often naturally bright and rich in color, so if you regularly eat meals that have a lot of green, red, or yellow produce, you’ll be in good shape.

If you know you aren’t getting all of the required vitamins you need from your food, consider adding whole food vitamins into your routine. Vitamins like vitamin C, folic acid, and vitamin e (to name a few) are essential for maintaining good health. If you do decide to start taking supplements, make sure the drug administration approves them. A whole food supplement that’s approved by the FDA will make it easy to ensure you have the vitamins and minerals you need.

Get Your Body Moving


Getting your body moving is another way to keep a healthy mind and body. Not only can it be fun, but regular exercise helps with sleep issues, it can help control your weight, and it lowers your risk of chronic and cardiovascular diseases. Physical activity is beneficial for not only your body but your overall health. When you work out, your body releases chemicals called endorphins, which make you feel pleasure. Getting into a routine of exercise can be a great way to wind down and decompress, and its also proven to help with sleep disorders. You don’t have to do an intense workout each time you exercise to feel the benefits— a brisk 30-minute walk around your neighborhood or even a couple sets of squats in your living room would work just fine. As long as you get your body moving, you will be in better shape.

Take Time to Reflect


Maintaining your mental health is just as important as your physical health. If you are a religious person, consider setting up a space to worship in your home. Especially in times of crisis like COVID-19 with canceled church services, having a set place to pray at home can bring peace of mind when you most need it. You can purchase church supplies online for your at-home worship space, including things like candles or banners. Investing in high-quality church supplies can help you feel like you are at the real thing while praying at home and may inspire you to do pray more often.

If you aren’t a religious person, you can still take time to reflect. Sitting in a quiet space and devoting time to meditation or yoga can help you release stress and practice mindfulness. There are dozens of free online resources that have tips on how to be more mindful, and things like guided meditations to help you get started. No matter how or why you do it, spending time practicing mindfulness or praying can help reduce anxiety, improve sleeping habits, and improve your mood.

As life gets busier, our mental and physical health is often pushed aside in favor of other responsibilities. However, it’s essential to do what you can to stay in good shape. Simple things like eating more fresh food, exercising, and setting time aside to reflect can all contribute to your overall health.

Simple But Amazing Products You Should Definitely Have in Your Medicine Cabinet

Your medicine cabinet is a great place to keep treats and treasures that can enhance your sense of well-being. Whether it’s over-the-counter drugs, safety must-haves, or natural remedies, keeping a fully stocked medicine cabinet is super important for your health! Are you looking to grow your collection of miracle workers? Keep reading below to find simple but amazing products you should definitely consider keeping in your medicine cabinet.


Calerie is an all-natural NAD and NMN supplement company. Calorie restriction is one of their biggest focuses: CR is actually the only consistent intervention known to increase lifespan! They are dedicated to promoting calorie restriction for healthy weight loss and weight management, and their clinical trial showed minimal risk factors. Calerie participants displayed such good results that the company is now producing a variety of supplements!

Calerie Lifespan is weight management and anti-aging supplement with NAD+ for balanced cellular health and increased longevity. Benefits for this product include healthier weight management, intermittent fasting support, energy metabolism boost, and increased longevity. If you’re concerned with weight loss, metabolic rate, and the aging process, this vitamin supplement could make a great addition to your medicine cabinet.

They also have a few upcoming products that you should be on the lookout for Entourage, Sirtuin, and Immunity supplements. These supplements are sure to make a big impression, and when do they, it’ll be a great idea to add them to your collection of vitamins.


Have you heard of CBD, but aren’t quite sure what it is (or what it can do for you)? Let Bloom & Oil be your guidebook! Bloom & Oil is a website that is full of informed CBD experts who give out advice, tips, recommendations, and information related to cannabis and CBD. In addition to that, they also give reviews on CBD products for you to use! Visit for the full scoop on CBD.

Imagine this: Beauty products combined with CBD. It sounds like a dream, but it’s a reality with the Emerald Deep Moisture Glow Oil! This luxury CBD facial oil is deeply moisturizing, fantastic for dull skin, reduces redness, and improves blemish-prone skin. In addition to containing CBD, it also has Hemp Seed Oil, Squalane, MeadowFoam Seed oil, and Borage Seed oil, which are all essential to keeping your skin moisturized!

There’s another star featured on Bloom & Oil: the Lord Jones Royal Oil! This oil is perfect for anyone looking for a multi-purpose oil that has no scent, no coloring, and no other additives. You can apply this oil to your skin or you can ingest it; whichever way you choose, you’ll get a relaxed sensation that will last a couple of hours.

These two oils are great additions to your medicine cabinet. Visit to stay up to date with any more product reviews they have to offer!

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been credited for years as being a key superfood. This powerful combination of fatty acids may provide positive effects for your health, such as protecting your skin, hair, and teeth while boosting your heart’s health, and having important antimicrobial effects. You can either digest coconut oil in small doses or apply it to cuts or blemishes on your skin as a topical ointment. Whatever the need may be, there’s a good chance that coconut oil will be a key player in your medicine cabinet’s future.

The best part about stocking up your medicine cabinet is that all the products are selected with your best overall health in mind. We hope that these products are able to make a positive impact on your well-being!

Staying Happy While Staying Home

Not getting out as much lately? You’re not alone: All over the world, people are finding themselves unable to get out and enjoy the bars, restaurants, and outdoor spaces that they’re used to. The precautions we’re taking now are essential to limiting the spread of a deadly disease, but these measures also have dangers of their own. Staying home can be boring, of course, but it can also worsen mental illness. The experts at Psychology Today, among others, have written on the mental health dangers of a quarantined lifestyle. As Psychology Today points out, previous evidence from quarantines related to SARS demonstrates that quarantines bring out symptoms of psychological distress.

Anyone can suffer in a quarantine. Here’s what you need to know about staying as happy and healthy as possible when you can’t get out of the house the way you used to.

Treat Yourself at Home

Over the course of your daily life, your home might not usually play a huge recreational role. Urban dwellers in small apartments may find that they go to the bar more often than to the liquor store and to restaurants more often than to the grocery stores or convenience stores. That has to change now, though.

So, stock up on the good stuff and treat yourself! Get some fine wine from the local liquor store — many are offering curbside pickup and other limited-contact delivery options. Be sure to take advantage of delivery so that you keep yourself safe; it’s worth waiting a few business days or hours for that Pinot Noir.

Just be wary of the effects of alcohol on your body. Alcohol isn’t exactly healthy, and therapists caution against it as it is a depressant. Keep that in mind, and don’t place too many beers and wine orders with liquor stores and convenience stores. Balance things out with food and other treats, and be mindful of your health.

Stay Informed

The news can be depressing these days, but that doesn’t mean that it’s bad for you. In fact, Psychology Today writes that research has found that staying informed mitigates some of the effects that quarantined life has on a person’s mental health.

Of course, this does not mean that you should immerse yourself in internet rumors and sensationalist news sources. What it means is that you should set aside a little time each day to keep track of the situation and learn any key facts that you might need to know about keeping yourself safe — and sane!

Get Moving

Exercise isn’t easy when you’re stuck at home. Some social isolation guidelines allow for outdoor exercise, but that’s not necessarily an option for some urban dwellers. Gyms are closed, and other exercise options are off-limits, too. So, what can you do?

Body weight exercises are a good alternative to a gym trip. Climbing stairs, if you have some in your home, can be a good workout as well. And standing and stretching is a good bare-minimum way to keep from sitting or lying down all day long. A little movement will be good for both your psychical and mental health.

Get Online Therapy

Therapy is one of the best things for mental stress and mental illness. So, what can you do while you can’t go visit a therapist or counselor in person? In a stay-at-home situation, mental health care may seem inaccessible.

Thanks to online therapy and online counseling, mental health care isn’t as hard to come by under quarantine circumstances as it might have been a few years ago. Online counseling services can involve local or global care; a San Francisco therapist might offer online counseling in San Francisco, or he or she might offer online counseling in Idaho or around the world. That’s the power of online chats and face-to-face therapy over videoconference software: A San Francisco therapist isn’t limited to San Francisco at all!

3 Things Every Woman Should Invest in by 25

As a young woman, people have a lot of opinions about where you should put your attention, but all you want to do is find the best way to get ahead! Too much advice from your elders can make your head spin, and leave you a little confused about what to prioritize. In the face of life’s many challenges, take control of your mind, body, and pocketbook by making these three smart investments.

Take self-care to the next level

Bath bombs and manicures can only get you so far. Although material things can be an effective way to take care of yourself, make a deeper investment by taking care of your mental health. With singers, actors, and athletes coming forward and discussing their struggles, the conversation surrounding mental health has become much more widespread, mainstream, and there’s significantly less of a stigma surrounding seeking help. Once you’ve made a commitment to yourself, it’s important to find the right therapist. According to the Therapy Group of NYC, one in four adults has received treatment in the United States, and around 80 percent found it to be effective. Young women deal with a lot on a daily basis, and despite aspirations for a more equal and safe future, harassment, pay inequality, and micro-aggressions plague their daily lives. There are NYC therapists who can help you take every moment in stride.

Harness the power of organic

Sometimes in order to harness your best self, you have to look to the original mother, Mother Earth. Although the evidence isn’t conclusive yet, research has found that consumers who buy organic tend to have overall healthier lifestyles. Experiment with different organic items that will make you feel like a goddess. CBD is quickly becoming one of the hottest organic products on the market. If you experience occasional sleeplessness or just want to maintain healthy joint mobility throughout your life, SeraRelief’s full spectrum cbd capsules may be just what you need to add to your daily routine. They’re scientifically formulated, organic, and use high-quality CBD. You can use this product worry-free because they contain even less than the legal amount of THC, so you won’t experience any psychoactive effects. Just remember to contact your doctor before starting to use CBD to make sure it won’t have any interactions with the medications you’re currently taking and you’ll be good to go.

Invest in the future you

With life demanding so much of you in the present, it can be easy to pass on thinking about the future. Make your future even brighter by investing your money into a savings app for retirement. There are many different options to get you started. The best ones for millennials don’t require you to have a lot of money upfront and understand that you won’t initially be contributing a lot of cash. With apps like Stash, you can make a minimum deposit of five dollars a month. All you have to do is skip your daily coffee once a month and you’ll have money to invest in your bright future. If you only have some spare change lying around—absolutely no judgment, life is hard—Acorns might be a better fit for the time being. Eventually, this invested money and time will start to add up. There’s nothing better than a little financial stability. Your future self will thank you!

Young women often feel spread thin in the current political and socio-economic climate. Combat that by investing in the things that matter. Empower your life by seeing a therapist that works for you, shopping organic, and paving a way financially for the future of your dreams.

Scientific Ways to Make Yourself Look and Feel More Attractive

Feeling attractive is more psychological than physical. Believe it or not, there is a science to attractiveness that goes beyond genetics. These are some scientific ways to make yourself look and feel more attractive.

Wear the Right Scent

Fragrances have a powerful impact on the brain. Some scents can trigger positive emotions and bring out good memories. Confidence is directly related to positivity, so it makes sense to wear a fragrance associated with happy times. Wearing a subtle amount of an attractive fragrance makes one more attractive to others, which further increases confidence and inspires an attractive body language.

Dress in Red

A pop of color in an outfit is a great way to attract attention. Wearing red, the color of passion, not only attracts attention but it also makes people see the wearer as more attractive. Studies have shown that men perceive women to be more attractive, even sexier when wearing red clothing or lipstick. The color itself is what draws attention, and the feeling of being noticed is what leads to feeling more confident.

Makeup and Eyebrows

Well-maintained eyebrows go a long way toward attractiveness. Get in the habit of regularly shaping eyebrows either at home or with an esthetician and know how to fill in sparse areas and create a defined arch. Many cultures find bold eyebrows that create facial contrast as highly attractive.

Women should wear simple makeup and pop it with colorful lipstick and played up eyes. Wearing mascara opens the eyes, lengthens lashes, and defines the eyes. Applying magnetic eyelashes is a quick and simple way to create an attractive look. Glamnetic’s magnetic eyeliner and mink eyelashes can be reused multiple times. Simply remove lashes with olive oil or coconut oil and place them back in their magnetized tray to keep their shape. Glamnetic carries a range of eyelashes in different lengths and colors to help women achieve any desired look.

Stand Tall

Body language and posture play a big role in attractiveness. Taking a dominant stance or power pose increases confidence and signals to others a sense of power. Lazy or standoffish body language, like hunched shoulders or crossed arms, is less attractive. Standing tall with shoulders back and arms relaxed gives an approachable vibe and attracts others.

Those with strong jawlines are perceived as more attractive. Women who see men with their chins up perceive them as assertive and confident. Be conscious of holding the head up high in a way that defines the jawline and slims the neck.

Don’t Forget Sunglasses

Wearing sunglasses adds a sense of mystery to any look and boosts facial symmetry. Just like clothing, it’s important to wear the right sunglasses that complement face shape. Rounder faces do better with angular frames while angular faces do better with rounder frames. The right style of sunglasses makes the face look more proportionate which increases attractiveness.

Get an Adrenaline Rush

A healthy way to boost attractiveness is to exercise. Exercising causes the brain to release endorphins that lower stress levels, give a sense of well-being, and boost confidence. These factors not only make one feel more attractive, but others also notice as well. Another way to be more attractive is to participate in extreme activities that cause an adrenaline rush. Women tend to find men who do risky activities, like extreme sports, more attractive.

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