Category Archive : Medical

Is CBD Good for Bipolar Disorder?

From the production of easy-to-manufacture rope to drink products packed with proteins, the cannabis industry is receiving more visibility as it continues to gain popularity and exposure. One of its more popular ingredients, however, has become the next big health kick in a relatively short amount of time. Named Cannabidiol (CBD), this chemical found within certain hemp flowers is said to be useful as a remedy for a wide variety of health problems, including mental health conditions. 

As a result, some parents may turn to CBD in an attempt to treat personality disorders in teens or issues that they may be facing themselves. But is this safe? If you have been using CBD for a personality disorder such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or borderline personality disorder, or a mood disorder such as bipolar disorder, let’s dive deeper into the interactions between this chemical and the brain. 

What Is CBD And What Does It Do? 

CBD is a chemical found within the hemp plant that is said to relieve anxiety and improve brain function. Belonging to a group of chemicals known as cannabinoids, which are naturally produced within the body but can also be introduced into the body through certain hemp strains, CBD is very similar in nature to the popular THC, with the exception that it does not produce any psychoactive effects. 

Many turns to CBD as a way to alleviate their health problems, whether those be pain-related or mental health-related, due to the fact that CBD is said to produce the same types of benefits produced by THC. However, it is important to note here that research is scarce. Although it is believed to help a variety of conditions, we still need further proof. 

How Would CBD Impact Bipolar Disorder (And Why Do Many Believe It Can)? 

The belief that CBD can serve as useful alternative treatment option for bipolar is a result of the belief that marijuana could work for certain mental health conditions. Even in this grouping, research can be contradictory, with some research stating that marijuana serves to boost mood and improve the outlook of those struggling with bipolar disorder while other research suggests higher suicide rates and worsening symptoms as a result of marijuana use. 

This research is important when it comes to further studies regarding CBD as it is widely accepted that CBD would, theoretically, produce the same results. This type of thinking may also support that CBD could be beneficial as it produces no harmful psychoactive effects in the process. 

Due to the lack of research at the time of writing, there is no strong support to back either side of these claims. In fact, there are some sources that state that CBD is actually ineffective, producing no benefits for those struggling with bipolar disorder. Some users of the substance who do feel that it can help them believe that it helps them feel more calm or relaxed when a manic episode begins manifesting. 

Although it may or may not do any good, the beneficial aspect of this chemical compound is that it does not produce the serious consequences that you can see in those with bipolar who choose to use cannabis to target their symptoms. 

So, is CBD good for bipolar disorder? There is no conclusive evidence to say whether or not CBD is going to help you regulate your moods and make it easier for you to handle manic and depressive episodes. 

That said, further research may reveal that improvements in mood can be made with this substance, and using it in the meantime should not produce any ill effects. Whether you decide to use full spectrum cbd capsules or other products, make sure to speak with your doctor and follow the directions.  

3 Ways to Stay Positive During Your Cancer Treatment

Finding healthy ways to stay positive after receiving a cancer diagnosis can be incredibly difficult. Surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family is a crucial first step to effective healing and coping. Reducing stress is vital at this turbulent time, and your friends and family can help you achieve that by helping you schedule appointments, tidying up around the house, or even simply sitting down for a cup of coffee together.

While your loved ones can lend a hand or offer a shoulder to lean on, it is also essential for you to maintain your own peace of mind. Of course, it is easy to get swept up in your new routine, so we’ve come up with a few things you can do for yourself to unwind after a chemotherapy session or a miserable night’s sleep. Here are three ways to stay positive during your cancer treatment. 

Don’t let your diagnosis define you

Remember that you are not your diagnosis. A positive cancer diagnosis does not mean you are now doomed to spend your days in stiff hospital beds, watching soap operas off a tiny television hung from the ceiling, or isolate yourself from being around the people and things you love. Sure, you’ll likely grow tired faster than you usually would, and you will probably encounter some people who dance around the topic, but that doesn’t mean you have to put your life on hold. Keep doing the things you usually would, with the people you would normally do them with. Don’t let your diagnosis stop you in your tracks. 

Stay in the present

There will be times that all of this will become overwhelming, and when this happens, one of the best things you can do is to breathe and meditate. Staying present and keeping yourself in the “here-and-now” will help you cope when it all gets to be a bit too much. When you receive bad news, or you’re growing tired of juggling your treatments and medication, put it all in perspective. Yes, you do have cancer. Yes, you are tired and ill. Yes, you are fighting your hardest. But you are also surrounded by people who love you and doctors who have studied for years to treat you and help you heal.  

Find a support group

Having a support system at home and seeking comfort and understanding from the people who know and love you is invaluable, but they can’t always provide the kind of understanding you will sometimes need. 

If your thoughts and feelings are interfering with your life, work, or relationships, it may be time for you to seek help from a professional. A licensed and qualified therapist or counselor will provide you with the advice, coping mechanisms, and support you can’t get from the people around you or provide for yourself. Websites like WithTherapy will even help you find the therapist right for you.

If therapy or counseling doesn’t seem like the right fit for you, consider the possibility of group therapy or a support group for people undergoing cancer treatment or cancer survivors. Reaching out to others that are sharing a common experience can open you up to an entirely new way of thinking. 

Hopefully, some of the methods discussed above will help you to maintain a positive outlook while you navigate your way through battling cancer. There are others that may seem less obvious, like making sure that you and your loved ones undergo a full-body MRI. Something as simple as an MRI can help to detect cancer early on and help you keep peace of mind. 

Hearing Aid Access: the Ethical and Legal Requirements

Have you ever thought about your quality of life? If you’re a fully-abled person, the answer to that question is likely “No.” People who are impaired, however, are forced to deal with this question every day. Thankfully, technology has made it easier to live with a disability, such as hearing loss. 

Hearing aids, for example, offer consumers an improved quality of life—but like with anything else we buy, purchasing an aid of some sort opens the possibility for exploitation. In many cases, people who need hearing aids are willing to spend a lot of money on them. While laws do exist to help prevent people from such exploitation from occurring, there’s always a chance someone will be taken advantage of. Here are some legal and ethical guidelines to keep in mind while searching for affordable hearing aids.

There are a few guidelines in place to help protect your health. For example, the United States Food and Drug Administration has a number of criteria that are used to determine if a patient should be referred to a physician before they are fitted with a hearing aid. Indicators like recent dizziness, hearing loss, or pain in your ear may be reason enough to refer you to a licensed physician before you are fitted with a hearing aid. Though the audiologist may refer you to a physician, you’re not required to see one. People aged 18 or older “may waive the requirement for a medical evaluation by signing a waiver statement,” so you’re not required to spend the extra money on a doctor’s visit if you don’t need to. Laws, while occasionally cumbersome and oblique, are more likely to work in your favor if you pay attention to them.

These laws have ethical implications, however, and ethics are indeed often considered to ”drive legislation.” If someone unequally applies hearing tests, for example, they could be considered to have acted unethically even if that person meant well. If someone is a Medicare provider, they are required to charge money for their services so it is common practice to avoid free hearing tests. Even though someone might want to provide their services free of charge, it would be considered unethical as it would be unfair to the people who would pay for that person’s services. As a general rule, if you know your physician took advantage of poorly-made laws to their advantage or deliberately misrepresented some course of action that you now feel impacted your life in a major way, you would be able to say that they did not act ethically.

In any event, if you feel you have been treated unlawfully or unethically you may still be able to seek justice. Before filing a complaint with the appropriate state medical licensing board, you should make sure you have all of the information and paperwork required to make your case against the physician in question. Keeping all of your information straight becomes more important the more serious the violation is, and at some point, it may be advisable to consult a healthcare lawyer to help you decide what course of action you should take next. 

When discussing the matter of healthcare law and ethics, it can be difficult for the common citizen to keep up with all of the relevant details unless they are attentive. Many laws surrounding healthcare exist to help protect you against malpractice or unethical behavior. While ethical behavior is not strictly illegal, it can still carry consequences. Even legal retaliation would not be out of the question, should you have been a victim of a significant enough wrongdoing. Even so, staying educated in all matters of healthcare could help you avoid such situations entirely; you should never be afraid to read the fine print and do your own research.

What’s a Good Gift for Someone With Alzheimer’s?

Choosing Christmas gifts isn’t exactly an easy job. To get your gift right, you must know at least a little bit about the person you’re going to surprise. But what if that person is no longer who they used to be? 

Sadly, Alzheimer’s disease results in a change of course in sufferers’ lives. This common form of dementia gradually destroys brain cells, causing irreversible memory loss that might require the assistance of a caregiver. Although the symptoms of Alzheimer’s aren’t curable, certain medications can help control patients’ behaviors in mild to moderate stages. 

If you’re unsure about what to give a beloved family member with Alzheimer’s this holiday season, read on to find the best gift ideas, regardless of the stage he or she finds themselves in. 

Early-stage Alzheimer’s gifts

In the early stages of Alzheimer’s, patients have milder symptoms. These include agitation, losing track of time, misplacement of belongings, and having difficulty in completing familiar tasks. In this case, gifts that can stimulate your loved one’s memory while also being a source of enjoyment are great options. Here are a few alternatives to get you started.

Jigsaw puzzles

Puzzles aren’t only challenging and fun, but they help boost short-term memory, as well. Studies have suggested that puzzles and memory games decrease the damage that naturally happens in the brain of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. 

A memory box

It’s hard to accept that your loved one’s memory will eventually fade. Since it might take a long time before that happens, create a special memory box filled with items of sentimental value. This way, the person you’ll give it to can remember special moments without much effort. 

Adult coloring books

A set of crayons and a coloring book can be the ideal gift. Why? Because coloring is a great activity to improve manual dexterity in seniors. It’s also an easy game they can play with their grandkids anytime. 

An iPod

Some songs can be nostalgic. Giving them an iPod with their favorite songs downloaded will probably be the best gift they’ve ever received. It doesn’t have to be pricey, either: websites like TheStore sell tech (new and restored) for up to 70 percent off. Enjoy!

Late-stage Alzheimer’s gifts

In later stages, there’s not a lot that family members can do but offer their support and get used to advanced symptoms that require 24/7 care. The elderly need companionship and affection more than ever, and the following gift ideas will help you show some love. 

A self-care day
A spa day is always a good idea. The ladies will love a professional manicure or pedicure, whereas the men could enjoy a foot massage with lotions. Base yourself off their preferences and get creative with this one. 

Lap robes in their favorite color

Late patients tend to become wheelchair-bound. Make their day by giving them a lap robe in their favorite color, or even better, crochet or customize it yourself for a unique present. 

Comfortable wear

A warm sweater, fluffy slippers, and winter hats; when it comes to being comfy, there are so many options to choose from. We’re sure any of the above would make anyone’s cold day better. 

Baby dolls or stuffed animals

No one can resist a cute furry animal or a cozy baby doll. After all, they’re comforting and can be an adorable company, especially during the night. A quick tip: make it a surprise. They’ll love it even more!

A locket necklace

Even though your loved one may forget your name or your face, they can keep your picture close to their heart with a locket necklace. This ornament is a beautiful, sentimental gift that can last for generations to come. Be certain that the memories you put in it will never fade away. 

5 Programs for Students Interested in Health and Medicine

The fictional character Dr. Derek Shepherd (more commonly known as “McDreamy”) is, of course, best known for his love affair with the star of the show, Meredith Grey. (Where are the “Grey’s Anatomy” buffs at?) After this, he is best known for his signature pre-surgery line: “It’s a beautiful day to save lives.”

For many, this line embodies the reason why they decide to go into a medical field. Not only is this career route full of prestige, but it allows for a great sense of accomplishment as it allows us to help save people’s lives, every day. A worthwhile and respectable goal to say the least.

Regardless of whether you’re already on track to studying in a medical field or are just interested in knowing more, it never hurts to investigate our options. Check out these five programs for students considering entering a career in health and medicine.


A career in dentistry not only allows for a more reliable and flexible schedule (as opposed to an “on-call” doctor), but it also allows for a sense of accomplishment by changing people’s lives. Not only can dental problems cause a considerable amount of pain, but according to the Mayo Clinic, studies suggest that we may be more prone to certain diseases when certain bacteria associated with severe forms of gum disease are present.

Plus, for children going through the awkward years of trying to “fit in” a crooked smile can lead to years of unneeded self-consciousness. This is a good reason why you should consider studying Ortho at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine.


Not only does a career in nursing bring a ton of job satisfaction and flexibility, but according to the Bureau of Labor Statists, employment for registered nurses is projected to grow by 15 percent between 2016 and 2026. This growth is expected due to the rising age of the population, the rise of chronic conditions, and the fact that there is expected to be a nursing shortage by 2020. All the more reason to consider pursuing an online nursing degree.

Tip: If you’ve already finished your nursing degree, check out ACLS certification online to make getting certified easy.

Physical Therapist

This option is quite grueling but very rewarding. As a physical therapist, you’ll be helping people regain mobility and manage pain, but will also have to study just as long as a regular doctor (about 7 years). However, once you complete the prerequisites at a four-year university, then you can complete the actual Doctor of Physical Therapy degree online. Plus, there seems to be quite a bit of job security in this field as well. According to U.S. News, the field of physical therapy will grow by 28 percent between 2016 and 2026. They also say that in 2017, the median annual salary for a physical therapist was $86,850.00.

Medical Laboratory Technician

To become a laboratory technician, you must complete two years in an approved associate’s degree program and then get certified. This career path is probably one of the easiest ways to become part of a very important diagnostic process. By helping doctors diagnose serious conditions, you could be helping save lives.

Health Care Administration

For those who may be a little squeamish when it comes to the human body, but are still interested in health care and helping people; a degree in health care administration may be the way to do it. This way, we can help people without ever seeing any blood or being around sick people. Plus, according to, the average annual base pay for a healthcare administrator is $78,378.00 (not too shabby for not even needing to get our hands bloody).  

Nutrition for Injury Recovery: Supplements for Pain Relief

Recovering from an injury takes time and patience. There are several food and supplements that can help speed up the body’s healing process in addition to doctor-prescribed medications. Take a look at nutrition for recovery and supplements for pain relief that can be added to the diet to aid the recovery process.

Foods for recovery

Protein helps build tissues and muscles. Injured body parts tend to lose strength and muscle mass due to immobilization. Increasing the amount of protein consumed will help rebuild lost muscle. Eating protein-rich foods like meat, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and seeds in each meal can stimulate muscle growth.

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C can help the body produce collagen needed to rebuild tissue. Vitamin C has antioxidant and inflammation properties that can speed up recovery by reducing inflammation. Citrus fruits, dark leafy greens, broccoli, berries, tomatoes, and mango are some foods with the highest amounts of vitamin C. Omega-3 fatty acids also limit prolonged inflammation. Foods like fish, algae, flax seeds, walnuts, and chia seeds are all high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Zinc is necessary for wound healing, tissue repair, and growth. Consuming zinc-rich foods such as meat, fish, shellfish, seeds, nuts, and whole grains can speed up wound healing and tissue repair. Calcium is important for bone growth, muscle contractions, and nerve signaling. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from foods. Eating calcium-rich foods like leafy greens, broccoli, okra, almonds, and plant-based milks along with vitamin D helps bone fractures heal.

Creatine is naturally found in meat, poultry, and fish. It helps the body produce the energy needed for heavy lifting and high-intensity exercise. Consuming creatine can reduce the amount of muscle lost after injury and help regain that muscle after recovery. The body naturally produces glucosamine which creates tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Increasing glucosamine may reduce pain and speed up recovery from bone fractures.

Major injuries can take weeks or months of recovery, leading to lost wages, extra medical bills, and insurance hassles. An Orange County accident lawyer at Daniel Kim Law can help a victim injured by a negligent driver win compensation for personal injury damages. While filing a personal injury claim cannot undo the pain and suffering caused from an accident, the compensation won can ease the financial burden.

Supplements for pain relief

Over the counter pain medications are effective but come with side-effects from prolonged use. Prescription pain medications can have even worse side-effects and risk addiction. There are many essential oils, herbs, and supplements believed to work as natural pain relievers.

Lavender essential oil is used for pain relief as well as reducing anxiety and promoting sleep. Rosemary treats headache, muscle pain, and bone pain. It also reduces inflammation and relaxes smooth muscles. Peppermint essential oil has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and pain-relieving effects. It can be applied topically to areas of pain. Both ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties. Capsaicin, found in chili peppers, is good for joint pain and headaches. When used topically, capsaicin blocks the pain messages sent by nerves.

Magnesium supplements are best for migraines, muscle spasms, poor digestion, and anxiety. Valerian root is primarily used for muscle and joint pain, and an alternative to sleep aids. This root acts as a sedative and pain reliever that acts on the brain and nervous system.

Supplement manufacturers have the means to produce custom formulas for supplements. Such companies use the highest quality raw materials to formulate unique products that are beneficial to consumers. From capsules and softgels to powders and gummies, they can customize any supplement format.

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